
I'm Jack's life imprisonment...

People have finally stopped asking me if I know Tyler Durden. Which is good, because I was starting to feel a little upset about it. Well, it wasn’t worse than pulling your own teeth out, after being punched in the face over and over again, but still it was annoying. Yes, I am in Fight Club (look at my face) and yes, I do know Tyler Durden. In fact, just between you and me, I used to be Tyler. Yes, that’s right, I used to be Tyler Durden, the all-powerful leader, no, the foreman of an underground association which aimed at the complete destruction of material needs. Yes, I was full of shit! Still, people followed me. I guess you follow anyone with a plan when your life is completely meaningless or when you can’t afford to buy drugs. Drugs, or the absence of drugs is what turned me into Tyler, I think. There was this stupid doctor who wouldn’t prescribe me sleeping pills and, in some sort of insomniac madness, Tyler was born and my life, not to mention the world, went berserk! Still, I’d say I’m doing pretty good, fucking Marla and bossing people around. I think I saw that stupid doctor, yesterday, among the ranks of the space monkeys. It must have been a shock to him. I think I’ll have his balls cut off… Well, you're reading this because I'm reading this. Wait, what was that again? Hum… Ah, yes! I got it wrong. No, you’re reading this because I’m writing it and the reason why I’m writing this is because Tyler asked me to, although he is dead. After all, I shot myself in the head so he has to be dead. But let me tell you a little bit about what happened to Tyler. He’s dead. Period. That’s it, it’s all you need to know and if you want to know more, rent the fucking movie or read the fucking book! If you can find either one… After all, Tyler’s plan was a success… Wait, what was that again? Did Tyler’s plan succeed or not? Shit, my mind is all fucked up… I miss Bob…

5 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Isto é estranho...

O Estranho disse...

Não sei quem és, mas garanto-te que uma coisa que não é nada estranha é o facto de me ter esquecido de dizer que esta foi a minha primeira encarnação de uma personagem de um filme... Cá fica agora:
"Almas fictícias I - Jack, de Fight Club"

n. disse...


polegar disse...

também andaste metido nessas poucas vergonhas das personagens?

O Estranho disse...

Pouca vergonha?! Qual pouca vergonha?! Este pessoal do teatro, torna-se famoso, já manda assim umas graçolas, julga-se melhor do que os outros e tal! Quem te viu e quem te vê, com esse nariz empinado! Deves ter é a mania!!! :) Ainda bem que correu tudo pelo melhor. Beijos